The Electro stimulator is a current generator, which produces electrical impulses with enough energy to generate an action potential in the excitable cells: muscular or nervous, and thus modify its habitual state, which is the rest. Electro-muscular stimulation, is a great measure for the improvement of health and body aesthetics, is very effective in contractures, cervical and/or lumbar pains and cramps, provide immediate results and do not cause side effects
Electrotherapy is a technique that is encompassed within physical medicine and rehabilitation and is defined as the art and science of the treatment of injuries and diseases through electricity. The electrotherapy has to be based on the behavior of the organism before the applications of the techniques that involve the application of electrical energy, magnetic energy, combined electromagnetic, light, and even ultrasounds, although these are not formed by electromagnetic energy.
The main effects of the electrotherapy are:
Muscle strengthening
Improvement of medical transport Pain control
Relaxation of muscle spasms
Electrical current is defined as a displacement of electrons carrying electrical charge along a conductor between whose ends a potential difference is applied. This transport can be of two types: current of positive charges or current of negative charges. The physical phenomenon of the flow of electrons in a conductor is analogous to the flow of a liquid inside a pipe between whose ends there is a difference in pressure, due, for example, to a difference in level. In general, electric current produces the following effects: 1) Thermal: any conductor traveled by an electric current is heated; 2) Magnetic: a conductor traversed by an electric current produces, around it, a magnetic field; 3) Chemical: in a solution containing ions (electrically charged atoms), when it is traversed by an electric current, the positively charged ions are directed towards the negative pole and vice versa.
Continuous current is one whose direction is constant. In it, the flow of charges is carried out in the same direction: from the negative pole to the positive pole for the negative charges, or from the positive to negative if we consider the flow of positive charges. In medical applications, we use a type of current that, in addition to continuous, is uninterrupted and constant intensity. This current is called galvanic. Regarding its physical characteristics, the galvanic current is low voltage (60-80 V) and low intensity, at most 200 mA. It is also called constant, because it maintains its fixed intensity during the application time.
The Russian currents were described and studied by Professor Kotz several decades ago, due to his ability to achieve important changes in muscle trophism. Technically speaking, these are medium frequency currents modulated with low frequency signals: the medium frequency current has the objective of decreasing the cutaneous resistance, allowing the low frequency signal to act in depth on the musculature.
Low frequency excitation current, about 50 Hz, low intensity and low voltage that ranges between 100-200 volts, used for therapeutic purposes. It is an asymmetric current, that is, its direction changes constantly. This type of technique is used in electrotherapy to prevent or delay the degeneration of muscle fibers. It is mainly characterized by the ability to selectively contract the normally innervated musculature, which in itself is similar to the voluntary muscular contraction, allowing multiple stimulations, which can be applied directly on the muscle or indirectly on the nerve's motor point.
For the development of this guide, different factors were taken into account, such as the analysis of the current and the necessary frequency for a low frequency treatment, where it should not exceed more than 60 Hz. Thus guaranteeing the recovery of muscle fibers.
Integrated NE555 The 555 timer was introduced to the market in the year 1972 by this same factory with the name: SE555 / NE555 and was called "The IC Time Machine" (The Integrated Time Machine Circuit). This circuit has very diverse applications, and although its currently revamped CMOS version developed by Dave Bingham in Intersil is used more, the original bipolar version is still used, especially in applications that require large currents for part of the timer output.
Which is composed of stages, the first consists of C.I.555N, which will be responsible for generating the impulses at a certain frequency that is controlled with the potentiometer P1, the second stage of the scheme works the power part which is controlled with the previously adjusted frequency, where the pulses generate the activation of a PNP power transistor TIP 32C the amplitude of the pulse is controlled with the P2 potentiometer, the output pulse or at the moment of the activation of the power transistor is carried to a transformer where the generated impulses are emitted to the 9vac terminals and the output would be the 110vac terminals, then they are taken directly to the electrodes and then placed in the muscle activation zones.
555 oscillator
Transformer 12vac - 110vac.
Tip 32C.
The alarm is activated when the stimulation time is greater than 10 seconds
The alarm is activated when the stimulation exceeds the frequency of 1khz
The results obtained in the laboratory practice were an electrostimulator designed to execute low frequency treatments, the equipment stands out for its stability and has a small size, I feel a great mix between efficiency and good functioning.
PROTOTYPE: (Foto prototipo y explicar brevemente como es por fuera)
In the image 7 and 8, you can see the voltage level and also the variation of frequency and amplitude
1) The electrostimulators are very useful instruments for people who have suffered muscular traumas and need rehabilitation because the equipment allows controlled muscular contractions.
2) The electrostimulators may be applicable for the improvement of the physical condition of athletes because they can cause muscle fatigue and that favors the formation of new muscle tissue and strengthen the existing.
3) Care should be taken with the current, power and frequency that the equipment handles, because each patient requires different conditions and if used incorrectly, burns and permanent injuries may result from electricity.
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2) Contreras Martos, G. M., Delgado Rodríguez, M., Martínez Villar, J., Parra Mozas, I., Borrego Utiel, F., & Segura Torres, P. (2011). Eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento intradiálisis de fuerza-resistencia en combinación con electroestimulación neuromuscular: mejora en la capacidad funcional, fuerza, y calidad de vida. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica, 14(2), 112-119.
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