In the remote Egypt more than four millennia ago, fish were used to generate electric shocks in the treatment of various pathologies.
In the eighteenth century Luigi Galvany showed that by passing an electric current through the spinal cord of a frog could obtain muscular contractions, that experiment was repeated in many universities at the time being shown that electricity had The ability to generate a muscle contraction.
In the decade of the 60, what came to be called Russian currents began to be used, at that time it underwent intense discharges of almost torturous intensity to the Soviet athletes who had to compete and to demonstrate the superiority of a model of Society.
1965 (Melzack and Wall) gate Theory of Pain control of melzack and wall. The result of this research was E.N. S (ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION)-
1978 indicated that this new method was viable as an alternative to medicines.
1979 theory of the release of endorphins (Sjölund and Erickson).
Applications TENS is used for the treatment of acute and chronic pain in isolation or in combination with other therapeutic modalities, although it can be used in non-painful conditions. In Electrotherapy is classified as a type of low frequency current. The application of TENS on acupuncture points in order to produce physiological responses similar to those produced by needle stimulation,It has become very popular in Western countries. Electroacupuncture is a way of applying acupuncture in which a small electric current is passed between the needles being complementary in the treatment of the pain or the paralysis being its fields of application quite wide.
the ordinary forms of waves of the equipment are: rectangular or spiked, and also, single-phase (direct current) or biphasic (alternating current), but usually not used direct current because when carrying ions to the skin, cause Skin irritation and decomposition of the electrodes, which is avoided with alternating current as the ions flow first in one direction and then in the opposite.
The three parameters used in the TENS are: frequency (2-100 Hz), pulse width, usually 40-300 µ sec and the intensity of the pulsatile wave measured in MA.
High frequencies (60-100 Hz) produce a "tingling" sensation over the stimulated area. Low frequencies (< 10 Hz) at the right intensity
Stimulation Modes
Ordinary TENS: High frequency, short time, low intensity and comfortable. The intensity should be adjusted just above the threshold to produce a tingling sensation throughout the area. It is used in acute and chronic pain. Acupuncture mode: Low frequency, long time. The intensity should be increased above the threshold to try to obtain a visible muscle contraction.
It is used to treat acute pain and in particular chronic persistent and deep pain. It is useful when previous nerve damage has occurred.
Burst mode: Low frequency, long time, high intensity. Muscle contractions tend to occur. A series of pulses occur, seven usually at a frequency of 2 100 Hertz, applied in explosions of 2-4 per second. Acute and chronic pain can be treated. Short Intense mode: high frequency, long time, high intensity. It is applied in acute pain, during painful therapeutic procedures and when you want immediate pain relief.
Modulation mode: Modern TENS units have this stimulation mode. It is used in combination with the above. Alternating low frequency and long time with high frequency and short time. Prevents adaptation to TENS.
When applying these high intensity stimulation modes, it is necessary to achieve the maximum tolerable intensity (IMT) that does not cause pain or severe discomfort to the patient, which is obtained once the intensity of the threshold has been surpassed.
The time of each session, the periodicity and the number of sessions shall be determined according to each particular case. Usually 20-30 minutes in each session, not exceeding 45 minutes, daily (5 times a week),For 10 sessions and then perform the assessment of the patient.
Placement of electrodes
placements are based on anatomy, physiology, etiology, location of pain and its nature.
Area of pain. Placement in Dermatons (cutaneous region innervated by a particular spinal nerve through its branches). Placement in Miotomos (muscular group innervated by a single spinal segment). Placement on superficial peripheral nerves. When the pain is distal to the nerve. They should be placed proximal to the nerve lesion to avoid the production of greater pain. Placement in acupuncture points.
Placement at a motor point (point where the nerve penetrates the muscle)
Contraindications should be avoided placing the electrodes in areas of anesthesia or Hyperesthesia, bony prominences, regions covered with hair, nor to use TENS in pregnancy, epileptic patients, heart disease (especially with pacemakers), breasts Carotid, larynx, trachea, or eyes.
HC-06 Module bluetooth Serial
The Bluetooth module HC-05 is the one that offers a better relation of price and features, because it is a master-slave module, means that in addition to receiving connections from a PC or tablet, it is also Capable of generating connections to other Bluetooth devices. This allows us, for example, to connect two Bluetooth modules and form a point-to-point connection to transmit data between two microcontrollers or devices:
-Applications -computer devices and peripherals -GPS receiver -Control Industrial -Projects MCU
-Power Voltage: 3.6 V-6 v -range Distance: 10m -has a pin RX and a TX what they do serial communication by receiving and exiting logical levels of 3.3 V. -This module comes with the firmware HC-06 Installed: With default serial configuration 9600/N/1 and pairing code: 1234.
-It has a red status LED that blinks when it is on and is visible, remains fixed when pairing and serial connection is open.
-HC-06 aka Linvor 1.5 is class 2 Bluetooth serial Module (10m), the Bluetooth 2.0 is supported on a CSR BLUECORE4 chipset with integrated antenna.
-comes with 18.6 cm long connection cable.
The corresponding board pins are:
Connection with ARDUINO
Process performed
Assembly made to check the operation of the application
Arduino code for Bluetooth connection
Application creation
Application programming
Bluetooth connection
Bluetooth disconnect
Performance Video
Finally, with respect to the calculations made, the designed device presented a higher frequency than what was initially calculated, since the calculated frequency was 160 Hz and the obtained one had a maximum frequency value of 180 Hz, so which results in a minimum error percentage that is due to the accuracy of the elements used.
On the other hand, the communication between the device and the application presented an efficient link, this shows that the health professional could continuously monitor the patient's treatment.
Although the device can not be tested in patients, we assume that the analgesic treatment is efficient due to the asymmetric square wave evidenced and the working frequencies produced.